About the Louisville Magic Club
Okito/Lance Burton IBM Ring 64
Mac King SAM Assembly 215
(click logo to join)
Current Officers
President - Dennis Alm
1st Vice Pres. - Matt Sohl
2nd Vice Pres. - Tom Crecelius
Secretary - Carl Loud
Treasurer - Allison White
Bulletin Editor - Matt Sohl
Technical Advisor - Bret Sohl
Webmaster - Steve Haffner
Advisory Board
Mike Raymer
Pat Miller
David Garrard
Jim Harris
Cody Clark
How did the Louisville Magic Club start?
The Louisville Magic Club was organized in July, 1946 with Jerry Kannapel a local performer acting as spokesman; later he served as president of the club until April, 1948.
Wishing to affiliate with the International Brotherhood of Magicians, members joined the national organization and the Club received its temporary charter as I.B.M. Ring #64 of Louisville on March 3, 1948.
By April 30 of 1948, 23 members had made application to the I.B.M. allowing the Club to make an application for its permanent charter.
The Louisville Magic Club applied for a charter with the Society of American Magicians on January 18, 1986 and was approved on July 12, 1986. There were 19 names on the application and 26 names on the S.A.M. charter. The Louisville magic club was issued a charter with the Society of American magicians and became Assembly #215.
There are two major magic organizations in the United States and the World. These two organizations are the Society of American Magicians and the International Brotherhood of Magicians. The Louisville Magic Club is one of the very few clubs in the world that have affiliation with both of these wonderful organizations.
This unusual connection has allowed for a multitude of the world's best magicians and performers to come to our club to lecture and help us learn this ancient, secret art of magic.
Today the Louisville Magic Club is the Okito/Lance Burton Ring 64 of the International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Mac King Assembly 215 of the Society of American magicians.
Our Purpose:
The purpose of the Louisville Magic Club is to organize and associate together individuals with a genuine interest in the practice and promotion of the Art of Magic. To engage in social activities and to provide education to those interested in or practicing the Art of Magic..